Sunday, September 30, 2012

Homework 9/28

Math- pgs. 80-81 #'s 1-30

Religion Project


Patriots Pen

World History- Wkbk pg.10

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homework 9/26

Math- 71-72 #'s 1-7 all  8-30 evens

Memory- Joshua 1:8

LA- Spelling Sentences
        Paragraph- Relative
        Newspaper Article

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homework 9/25

Math- 66-67 #'s 1-30


LA Due Thursday
           Spelling Sentences
           Paragraph- Relative
           Newspaper Article

Last chances to bring in current events for September

Religion Test Thursday

Bring your permission slips for our field trip to Antigo tomorrow if you haven't done so already.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Homework 9/24

Memory- 3rd Commandment and Meaning

Math- Lesson 11 #'s 1-30

World History- Read pgs. 35-39


Religion- Lesson 10

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework 9/20

Math- Investigation 1
          Study for your test tomorrow!

Memory- Leviticus 24:15

LA- choice assignment

World History- Wkbk pg. 8

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework 9/19

Math- pg. 52-53 #'s 1-30

LA- Spelling Sentences
        Returning to School Paragraphs

Memory- Psalm 111:10

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homework 9/18

LA Due Thursday
             Spelling Sentences
             Returning to School Paragraphs
      Due Friday
              Choice Assignment pg. 73
      Due Wednesday
              6,8,11 questions

Math- pgs. 48-49 #'s 1-30

World History- pg. 7, study for your test!
        Look over the questions from jeopardy today and the notes you have taken. Also, I would read about the Clovis people and Monte Verde.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homework 9/17

Memory- Second Commandment and Meaning

Math- Lesson 8 #'s 1-30

LA Due Thursday
            Spelling Sentences

World History- pg. 6

World History test on Wednesday and Math test on Friday.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sixth Grade Newsletter

Wow, time is going by quickly! We are ready to start taking are first tests of the year. So please make sure you are getting plenty of sleep this week and eating breakfast. Our memory will be the Second Commandment and its meaning, Psalm 111:10, and Leviticus 24:15. They will be due in this order on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

As I mentioned before, there will be a couple of tests this week. Starting with World History on Wednesday, when we will have our test on Ch. 1- Digging Up the Past. Then we will start on Ch. 2- Early Civilizations for the rest of the week. Our next test will be on Friday in Math, we will finish up our unit with lessons on perimeter, number line, sequences and scales. In Religion, there will be a conclusion to Genesis with the story of Joseph. Last but not least(especially in the kids eyes) is PE, we have been playing soccer these past two weeks and will be wrapping up our unit this week.

Monday is for current events in World History, bring something in to share if you remember. You will receive ten points for the month when you bring something in to share.

In His Service,
                     Mr. Bremer

Friday, September 14, 2012

Homework 9/14

No Homework, unless you have not finished your math yet. Also, Monday is for currents events in World History, bring in something to share. Have a great weekend and check back on Sunday for the weekly newsletter.
p.s. If Nebraska loses again I may be to depressed to do anything Sunday, so for the newsletters sake, lets hope they win, GO B1G RED!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homework 9/13

Math- pgs. 40-41 #'s 2-30 evens only

Tomorrow is the field trip to Camp Luther!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Red Bull Stratos

This is a cool video that I wanted to share. I had watched this several months ago and read that the final jump will be taking place in October! Check it out and let me know what you think. This is also a great example of something that would work for a current event.

This is the CGI version of what the jump in October will look like.

Homework 9/12

Memory- Isaiah 42:8

Language Arts- Due Thursday
                          Spelling Sentences
                          Olympic Paragraphs

Math- Pg. 34-35 #'s 1-30 odds only

World History- Finish reading pg. 27 and fill in the examples on your notes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week One is in the Books!

Hooray, we all made it through the first week of school. This was a great week and I have been truly blessed with a great class! God was looking out for me and has placed me in a great situation. Just a couple of notes to pass along, we go to Camp Luther this week, if you have not brought in your money and permission slip then make sure you get that done. We will have three verses for memory this week, due to us going to Camp Luther on Friday, memory will be due on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They will have the first commandment and its meaning, 1 Corinthians 8:4, and Isaiah 42:8.

In Religion, the key narratives in Genesis will remain our focus. We will continue to go through chapter 1 in math, this week there will be some more work with unknown numbers, but we will also be getting into order of operations, fractions and lines, segments and rays. Remember to bring in items for current events. In world history our studies will focus on the stone age and how cultures progressed while becoming more complex at this time. Last but not least is PE, we have already started learning some of the fundamentals of soccer and we will continue to play soccer while getting more into the gameplay.

Let's have a great second week and keep up the good work!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homework 9/7

Math- Pgs. 21-22 #'s 1-30

World History- Wkbk pg. 3

Check back for a newsletter on Sunday!