Friday, March 28, 2014

Homework 3/28

Enjoy your weekend and do not forget to bring your permission slip for "Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat."
Math- Lesson 84
Memory- Conclusion and Lord's Prayer cut-off is Monday
History- Study for your test
AR- 20 mins

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Invent Something!

Here is a little inspiration to help with your invention process.

Homework 3/26

Math- Lesson 82
Memory- Cut-off for late work
     Fifth Petition- Thursday
     Sixth and Seventh- Friday
     Conclusion and Lord's Prayer- Monday
     First Part of Baptism- Tuesday
World History- Read 356-359- The Khmer-- answer the questions on Khmer architecture and on what
     having the Angkor Wat on the flag means.
Language Arts- Descriptive Essay- Due Friday
     Spelling Sentences thursday
     Hoot to page 153

Please don't forget about memory and make sure to study at home.