Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Gift!

Read your AR books over break- 100

Merry Christmas

Thank you for the awesome gift!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homework 12/18

LA- Spelling Sentences- Thursday
        100 Min. AR over Break

WH- Test Thursday
         Wkbk- pg. 35

Memory- Recitation Test

Art- Finish Pencils

Thursday, December 13, 2012


LA- Write a thank you note pg. 397
        Vocab Test Tomorrow

World History- Wkbk Pg. 31

Art- Finish Pencils

Health- Pg. 220-221 #'s 1-33

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


LA- Spelling Sentences
        Christmas Wish List
        Vocab Test Friday

Math- Test

Memory- Recitation Test

Art- Finish Pencils

Health- Pg. 220-221 #1-33

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Homework 11/29

LA- Vocab and Spelling Quiz
        Tuesday- How to Essay

Math- Lesson 40 #'s 1-30

World History- Dynasty Powerpoint presentation

Memory- Luke 1:32-33

Sunday, November 18, 2012

7th Grade Civics --- Essay Questions and Vocab

Take-home Essay(10 points)- Discuss the progression of equal rights for people in the United States? Identify and describe specific amendments that worked toward assuring this.

Essay(5 points)- Discuss affirmative action and how it impacts society. (Include the Supreme Court case we discussed)

(4 points) Identify and discuss two Supreme Court decisions that support the description of the Constitution as an enduring document.

VOCAB- Suffrage, Poll Tax, Segregation Equal Protection, Affirmative Action

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Homework 11/15

LA- Book Report
       Read AR Book

Math- Lesson 35 #'s 1-30

W.H.- Test

Memory- Isaiah 7:14

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homework 11/13

Math- Lesson 33 #'s 1-30

Language Arts- Book Report 11/19
                          Paragraph Thursday
                          Read AR Book
                          Spelling Sentences- Thursday

Memory- Genesis 9:11

Monday, November 5, 2012

Homework 11/5

Math- Investigation 3 #s 7-18

Religion- Project Due

World History- Wkbk pg. 26

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Homework 10/31

Happy Reformation!

Math- Lesson 30 #1-30

LA- Spelling Sentences
        Pumpkin Paragraph

Memory- Eph. 4:28

Monday, October 29, 2012

Homework 10/29

Math- Lesson 28

World History- Wkbk pg. 23

LA- Spelling Sentences

Memory- 7th Commandment

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Homework 10/24

Read your AR book

No other homework, have a safe and fun break!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Raking Day!

The students will help out in the community by raking leaves!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Homework 10/19

No Math!

LA- Story

Spanish Test on Tuesday

World History- Review and Wkbk pg. 23

Patriot's Pen- October 24th

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Homework 10/18

Math- Lesson 25
Test Tomorrow

LA- Quiz- parts of speech

Memory- 1 Cor. 6:18

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homework 10/17

No Math

World History- wkbk pg. 20

LA- Spelling Sentences with Interjections
        Book Report
        For Friday: English Quiz- Parts of Speech

Memory- Matt. 5:28

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homework 10/16

Math- Lesson 24

World History- Read pgs. 87-90

Language Arts- Story Form

Patriot's Pen- Final Draft Due Oct. 24th

Patriot's Pen

This project will be counted as an English grade. The final rough draft was due yesterday and several students failed to turn it in. The final draft will be due on October 24th, it is important to get your rough draft in so edits can be made.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homework 10/15

Math- Lesson 23

World History- Wkbk pg. 19

Patriot's Pen

6th Commandment

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Red Bull Stratos Space Jump!

In case you missed it live on the Discovery Channel today, here is the jump from space!


I must apologize for the lack of newsletters over the last few weeks. Let me catch up with a quick review. We have cruised past the mid-quarter mark and are on the home stretch of the first quarter. A homework club has started for assistance after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is not mandatory but all students are welcome to attend. With volleyball still in session I expect there to be low attendance numbers for the time being. Also I will be coaching basketball so I will have to figure something out so students can still receive assistance. I will go ahead and shamelessly plug the basketball teams at this time, we still need more students to play and everyone is welcome. It is a great experience to be a part of a team and learn the game of basketball. Don't let the thought that you are not good enough deter you, there is a spot for everyone.

The sixth grade is moving right along in all of their subjects. In World History we are venturing into Egypt and learning about the Nile River and how civilizations formed because of it. Math is really going great, this week we are working on ratios, adding and subtracting fractions, and working with mixed numbers. There will be a test on Friday if all goes according to plan. The last couple of weeks in Religion we have devoted our time to the book of Exodus and the story of Moses. Now we will be moving into Numbers and Joshua with the Wall of Jericho on Friday. We are continuing to go through the commandments for memory with the Sixth Commandment this week. Don't forget about the Bazaar on Wednesday and let's have a great week!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Red Bull Stratos Update

The jump has been rescheduled for Sunday Oct. 14th. The weather is looking like it will allow for this to happen after it was delayed on Tuesday.

Homework 10/12

Math- Lesson 22

World History- Wkbk pg. 18

LA- 8 Line Poem or Do Over Paragraph

Patriot's Pen

Book Report- Due Oct. 18th

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homework 10/10

LA- Life Map or Goal Paragraph
       Spelling Sentences

World History- Test Corrections

Memory- Matt. 5:22

Patriot's Pen- Oct. 15th

Book Report- Oct. 18th

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homework 10/9

World History- Prepare your position for the public meeting(Archaeologist, Government, or Citizen)
                         Parallel Timeline

LA- Due Thursday
        Life Map or Goal Paragraph
        Spelling Sentences
        Book Report- Due Oct. 18th

Patriot's Pen Due Oct. 15th

Memory- Matt. 5:22 Due Thursday
                Matt. 5:5,7,9 Due Friday

Monday, October 8, 2012

Homework 10/8

Math- 106-108 #'s 1-30

Religion- Finish Lesson 14

Memory- 5th Commandment and Meaning

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homework 10/4

Math- Lesson 18 #'s 1-30

Religion Project Due
Plagues and Passover Worksheet

World History Test

Language Test

Memory- Colossians 3:20

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Bet is a Bet

This past weekend the Nebraska Cornhuskers faced off against the Wisconsin Badgers. So Mr. Pehlke and I made a friendly wager on the outcome of the game. The loser would have to wear a shirt of the opposing team the next week at school. I was sweating the entire game with the thought of having to wear a Badger shirt. Thankfully, the right team came out victorious and I was able to display my favorite team on Mr. Pehlke. Thank God for technology because I was able to capture this moment so he can always remember the outcome of this game.

Homework 10/3

Math- Lesson 17 #'s 1-30

LA- Spelling Sentences
        Compare/ Contrast Essay
        Finish the Story pg. 170-172

Religion Projects- Due Friday

Memory- Proverbs 23:22

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homework 10/2

World History- Wkbk pg. 11

Religion- Excuses wrksht

LA- Due Thursday
        Spelling Sentences
        Compare/ Contrast Essay

Religion Project
        Bring in your permission slips.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework 10/1

Math- Lesson 16 #'s 1-30
          Test Tomorrow

LA- Due Thursday
       Spelling Sentences
       Compare/ Contrast Essay

World History- Read pgs. 51-53

Health- If you haven't turned it in yet

Memory- 4th Com. and Meaning

Religion- Finish Lesson 12

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Homework 9/28

Math- pgs. 80-81 #'s 1-30

Religion Project


Patriots Pen

World History- Wkbk pg.10

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homework 9/26

Math- 71-72 #'s 1-7 all  8-30 evens

Memory- Joshua 1:8

LA- Spelling Sentences
        Paragraph- Relative
        Newspaper Article

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homework 9/25

Math- 66-67 #'s 1-30


LA Due Thursday
           Spelling Sentences
           Paragraph- Relative
           Newspaper Article

Last chances to bring in current events for September

Religion Test Thursday

Bring your permission slips for our field trip to Antigo tomorrow if you haven't done so already.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Homework 9/24

Memory- 3rd Commandment and Meaning

Math- Lesson 11 #'s 1-30

World History- Read pgs. 35-39


Religion- Lesson 10

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework 9/20

Math- Investigation 1
          Study for your test tomorrow!

Memory- Leviticus 24:15

LA- choice assignment

World History- Wkbk pg. 8

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework 9/19

Math- pg. 52-53 #'s 1-30

LA- Spelling Sentences
        Returning to School Paragraphs

Memory- Psalm 111:10

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homework 9/18

LA Due Thursday
             Spelling Sentences
             Returning to School Paragraphs
      Due Friday
              Choice Assignment pg. 73
      Due Wednesday
              6,8,11 questions

Math- pgs. 48-49 #'s 1-30

World History- pg. 7, study for your test!
        Look over the questions from jeopardy today and the notes you have taken. Also, I would read about the Clovis people and Monte Verde.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homework 9/17

Memory- Second Commandment and Meaning

Math- Lesson 8 #'s 1-30

LA Due Thursday
            Spelling Sentences

World History- pg. 6

World History test on Wednesday and Math test on Friday.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sixth Grade Newsletter

Wow, time is going by quickly! We are ready to start taking are first tests of the year. So please make sure you are getting plenty of sleep this week and eating breakfast. Our memory will be the Second Commandment and its meaning, Psalm 111:10, and Leviticus 24:15. They will be due in this order on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

As I mentioned before, there will be a couple of tests this week. Starting with World History on Wednesday, when we will have our test on Ch. 1- Digging Up the Past. Then we will start on Ch. 2- Early Civilizations for the rest of the week. Our next test will be on Friday in Math, we will finish up our unit with lessons on perimeter, number line, sequences and scales. In Religion, there will be a conclusion to Genesis with the story of Joseph. Last but not least(especially in the kids eyes) is PE, we have been playing soccer these past two weeks and will be wrapping up our unit this week.

Monday is for current events in World History, bring something in to share if you remember. You will receive ten points for the month when you bring something in to share.

In His Service,
                     Mr. Bremer

Friday, September 14, 2012

Homework 9/14

No Homework, unless you have not finished your math yet. Also, Monday is for currents events in World History, bring in something to share. Have a great weekend and check back on Sunday for the weekly newsletter.
p.s. If Nebraska loses again I may be to depressed to do anything Sunday, so for the newsletters sake, lets hope they win, GO B1G RED!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homework 9/13

Math- pgs. 40-41 #'s 2-30 evens only

Tomorrow is the field trip to Camp Luther!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Red Bull Stratos

This is a cool video that I wanted to share. I had watched this several months ago and read that the final jump will be taking place in October! Check it out and let me know what you think. This is also a great example of something that would work for a current event.

This is the CGI version of what the jump in October will look like.

Homework 9/12

Memory- Isaiah 42:8

Language Arts- Due Thursday
                          Spelling Sentences
                          Olympic Paragraphs

Math- Pg. 34-35 #'s 1-30 odds only

World History- Finish reading pg. 27 and fill in the examples on your notes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week One is in the Books!

Hooray, we all made it through the first week of school. This was a great week and I have been truly blessed with a great class! God was looking out for me and has placed me in a great situation. Just a couple of notes to pass along, we go to Camp Luther this week, if you have not brought in your money and permission slip then make sure you get that done. We will have three verses for memory this week, due to us going to Camp Luther on Friday, memory will be due on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They will have the first commandment and its meaning, 1 Corinthians 8:4, and Isaiah 42:8.

In Religion, the key narratives in Genesis will remain our focus. We will continue to go through chapter 1 in math, this week there will be some more work with unknown numbers, but we will also be getting into order of operations, fractions and lines, segments and rays. Remember to bring in items for current events. In world history our studies will focus on the stone age and how cultures progressed while becoming more complex at this time. Last but not least is PE, we have already started learning some of the fundamentals of soccer and we will continue to play soccer while getting more into the gameplay.

Let's have a great second week and keep up the good work!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homework 9/7

Math- Pgs. 21-22 #'s 1-30

World History- Wkbk pg. 3

Check back for a newsletter on Sunday!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Paintjob

 Check out these changes that have already taken place in the classroom! I have to thank my parents and brother-in-law for putting in the hard work to help me get rid of the green. When I first was able to catch a glimpse of my first classroom I knew I had to change the green. I had a great idea for how I could paint it, picture the beauty yourself, cream colored walls with a giant red block N on the open walls. Mr. Pehlke quickly shot down my idea(I wonder why?) and I chose these colors.


My siblings from left to right: Brooke(32), Luke(27), Me, Gretyl(18) 
Hello to all and especially my sixth grade class! I am Mr. Bremer and I will be your teacher for the 12'-13' school year. You have found your way to my blog which I have started for my first year here at St. John. I will use this as a way to provide an easy communication tool between my students, parents and myself. Also, feel free to share this blog with relatives that would like to see what the kids are up to in school. If you have any ideas for things that you would like to see on the blog, I would be glad to hear them. I used this format once before in college but I am still fairly new to the whole blogging thing.  Since school hasn’t begun, I have nothing to share with you on the homework front! I will take this space to introduce myself and provide you with some insight on who I am and where I come from.

I was born and raised in Grand Island, NE, where the terrain is flat and the wind blows all the time. We don't have a lot that is really exciting in Nebraska except for the fact that we are home to the greatest college football team in all the land. The Nebraska Cornhuskers are what we live for! I know it hasn't been that way lately but mark my words, the championships will return to their rightful home in Lincoln, NE soon! I thought I should get that out of the way quickly since there is a Badger team that is kind of big around here.

My life in Grand Island, NE was structured around the Church (literally). My father is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church and we lived in the parsonage on the church property. I just want to let you know from what I was able to see firsthand, the pastor’s wife deserves recognition for doing what they do. In my family, there are two boys and two girls, with the two boys in the middle, and we were a handful. By we, I mean me, because I was an energetic, stubborn, and downright annoying kid. My mother stuck it out with us at home and I appreciate everything she sacrificed for us.

2005 Nebraska State Meet
I grew up in Lutheran Schools and loved the education that I received, but even more important was the faith aspect that these schools provided me. Being able to go to school and pray, study religion and openly discuss my faith helped shape who I am today. My parents knew the importance of this and really took a strong stance on Lutheran education with the support they gave to the schools. They helped start Heartland Lutheran High School in Grand Island which I attended. When I started high school I received a lot of questions from friends that went to public schools about why I would want to attend this new school when all we had was a tiny school building and no gym. But what we did have was more important than any of that, it was a Christian environment that fostered a community built abound faith. Also, I had the opportunity to participate in many activities that I wouldn't have had the chance to or taken the chance to in a large school. I enjoy sports and competition so things like football, basketball and golf were my main activities. But I also got involved in drama, quiz bowl and mock trial to name a few and I really enjoyed them. Plus, I had a fair amount of success so that played into my competitive nature. I treasure the fact that I was able to be a pioneer in many things at Heartland  Lutheran High School and I wouldn't trade the experiences I had there for anything.

Choosing a college was fairly simple for me, I received a scholarship to play golf at Concordia University in Seward, NE. It was about an hour from Grand Island so it was far enough from home but also close enough for me to come home. At the same time, my brother decided to go back to school and he chose to attend Concordia with me and we were roomies once again. We became great friends through this opportunity. When I got started in school I had no clue what I wanted to do, but I did know I wanted to coach, so I decided to be a high school history teacher because I loved history. I was never comfortable with my decision but the thought of coaching basketball made me stick with it. Finally, I made it to the summer before I had to go student teach and I had to take this class about servant leadership. In this class we had to volunteer for fifty hours and reflect on the experience. I chose to volunteer at the Lincoln Children's Museum (a really fun place if you are ever down in Lincoln, NE), this experience changed my life. Working in day camps comprised of elementary aged students was fun, but more importantly I felt comfortable in my interactions and was kind of good at it. I remember thinking to myself, maybe I should be an elementary teacher. I had to tell my parents that I was going to change my major and go in a similar but different and more expensive direction due to the extra college hours it would require. They supported my decision and I made the change.
Rock fish caught while deep sea fishing in San Diego

After completing my coursework in elementary education, I was ready for student teaching. God blessed me with two great cooperating teachers that had contrasting styles. It was really helpful for me to see their methods and talk shop with them. Also, I had the opportunity to head out to San Diego and skip out on part of the Nebraska winter. But I am sure that these Wisconsin winters will make up for what I missed last year. I was able to complete everything and I graduated from Concordia in December of last year. I interviewed with a few different schools and received two call offers, but St. John really stood out to me. With God's help I was able to make the decision to come here and I am very excited to start my ministry in such a great place. I'm excited for the school year to begin and am ready to start working with my first class!