Sunday, October 14, 2012


I must apologize for the lack of newsletters over the last few weeks. Let me catch up with a quick review. We have cruised past the mid-quarter mark and are on the home stretch of the first quarter. A homework club has started for assistance after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is not mandatory but all students are welcome to attend. With volleyball still in session I expect there to be low attendance numbers for the time being. Also I will be coaching basketball so I will have to figure something out so students can still receive assistance. I will go ahead and shamelessly plug the basketball teams at this time, we still need more students to play and everyone is welcome. It is a great experience to be a part of a team and learn the game of basketball. Don't let the thought that you are not good enough deter you, there is a spot for everyone.

The sixth grade is moving right along in all of their subjects. In World History we are venturing into Egypt and learning about the Nile River and how civilizations formed because of it. Math is really going great, this week we are working on ratios, adding and subtracting fractions, and working with mixed numbers. There will be a test on Friday if all goes according to plan. The last couple of weeks in Religion we have devoted our time to the book of Exodus and the story of Moses. Now we will be moving into Numbers and Joshua with the Wall of Jericho on Friday. We are continuing to go through the commandments for memory with the Sixth Commandment this week. Don't forget about the Bazaar on Wednesday and let's have a great week!

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